Mikandi tips apk
MiKandi is the largest app store where you will discover thousands of HD hot videos, FREE sexy apps, live sex shows, adult games, hentai comics and erotic books which are added daily. With this sexy app, you will be experienced the difference from the app store that treats you like an adult.
Unlike the other porn apps, some of Mikandi’s content is not FREE. You can purchase currency within the app to spend on different channels. Once you have paid to unlock these channels, you must pay again to unlock the content in them. Some of this content does appear to be exclusive which might make Mikandi worth your while.
Features of MiKandi:
- Exclusive Access – Your one stop shop for all the best and top rated porn apps worldwide.
- FREE to Use – You can install thousands of porn apps with MiKandi absolutely FREE. No credit card is required.
- Secure Transactions – Buy premium porn apps from MiKandi with confidence. Your billing information is protected and respected. There is no hidden charges.
- Satisfied Customers – Mind blowing apps backed by rock star customer service. That means MiKandi is here to serve and protect you.